Newton X

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Heavy-Hitting Solution in Lightweight Hardware

A Condensed and Powerful Retail Solution

Powered by Newton

Powered by Newton

Lightweight and Discreet Design

Lightweight and Discreet Design

Auto Channel Selection

Auto Channel Selection

Full Graphic E-Ink Display

Full Graphic E-Ink Display

Newton System

Newton System

Despite its smaller size, the Newton X is backed by SOLUM’s lightning-fast and efficient Newton system. With an update speed 10 times faster than other ESLs in the market, you can update thousands of tags in minutes. 

Lightweight Signage

Lightweight Signage

This is an ultra-compact electronic shelf label designed for use on smaller, fragile, and more delicate products. You can use digital labels on your products without weighing them down.

Interactive Features

Interactive Features

The programmable button and multi-color LED on Newton X enable you to communicate important product details right at the shelf’s edge. 

Aims Software

Aims Software

The breakneck update speed of Newton X ESLs are supported by SOLUM’s own Aims. Deploy this on-site, on Cloud, and as SaaS.

High Resolution Display

High Resolution Display

Newton X is equipped with the latest e-ink technology which uses vibrant pigments to suit your display and branding needs.

Why Choose Newton X

Stylish Digital Labels

The Newton X is designed to look low-key and sleek so the focus remains on your products without being too inconspicuous that shoppers won’t see your displays. You can also customize the label so they blend in with your store’s aesthetic more. 

Peg Hook Option

Powerful + Long Battery Life

Unlike many ESLs in the market, Newton X’s battery lasts 5-7 years and can be replaced with ease.

Peg Hook Option

Newton X has a specialized attachment so you can hang it directly from peg hook displays at your store. 

Minimal Design, Maximum ESL Capabilities

Same Newton System Without the Bulk

For a lightweight and powerful ESL option, Newton X provides the same advantages without the extra weight. 

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